Upgrading to RSpec 1.0.0 on Mac OS X TigerEdit

These notes were made while upgrading from RSpec 0.9.4 to RSpec 1.0.0 on Mac OS X Tiger.

This release was actually quite unexpected (I was under the impression that the RSpec team didn’t plan on hitting 1.0 anytime soon) but it is an extremely important release because it marks a commitment to freezing the API and not making any compatibility-breaking changes.

I will use the same installation procedure that I employed when upgrading to RSpec 0.9.4.


First double check that all specs are passing for Walrus. This is a good check because there are a lot of specifications, many of them containing numerous assertions:

# from the top-level directory of the Walrus source tree:
rake spec

Download and install

sudo gem install rspec


Successfully installed rspec-1.0.0
Installing ri documentation for rspec-1.0.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for rspec-1.0.0...

Update FastRI index

fastri-server -b


Indexing RI docs for ParseTree version 1.7.0.
Indexing RI docs for RubyInline version 3.6.3.
Indexing RI docs for ZenTest version 3.5.2.
Indexing RI docs for actionmailer version 1.3.3.
Indexing RI docs for actionpack version 1.13.3.
Indexing RI docs for actionwebservice version 1.2.3.
Indexing RI docs for activerecord version 1.15.3.
Indexing RI docs for activesupport version 1.4.2.
Indexing RI docs for dhaka version 2.1.0.
Indexing RI docs for diff-lcs version 1.1.2.
Indexing RI docs for fastri version
Indexing RI docs for heckle version 1.4.0.
Indexing RI docs for hoe version 1.2.0.
Indexing RI docs for model_security_generator version 0.0.9.
Indexing RI docs for rake version 0.7.3.
Indexing RI docs for rcodetools version
Indexing RI docs for rcov version
Indexing RI docs for rspec version 1.0.0.
Indexing RI docs for ruby-debug version 0.9.3.
Indexing RI docs for ruby-debug-base version 0.9.3.
Indexing RI docs for ruby-prof version 0.4.1.
Indexing RI docs for ruby2ruby version 1.1.5.
Indexing RI docs for rubyforge version 0.4.1.
Indexing RI docs for rubygems version 0.9.2.
Indexing RI docs for spec_ui version 0.2.0.
Indexing RI docs for sqlite3-ruby version 1.2.1.
Indexing RI docs for walrus version 0.1.
Indexing RI docs for zentest version 3.5.0.
Building index.
* 12483 methods
* 2452 classes/modules
Needed 2.650911 seconds


# run the specs again
rake spec


cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/RSpec.tmbundle
svn up


U    Commands/Run Focussed Specification.tmCommand
U    Support/lib/spec_mate.rb
A    Support/spec/spec_helper.rb
U    Support/spec/spec_mate_spec.rb
D    Support/spec/vendor
A    Support/spec/vendor
A    Support/spec/vendor/plugins
A    Support/spec/vendor/plugins/rspec
A    Support/spec/vendor/plugins/rspec/lib
Updated to revision 1987.

After updating

If TextMate is running, from the TextMate "Bundles" menu, open the "Bundle Editor" submenu and select "Reload Bundles".


I have a Rails project where rspec is installed as a plug-in. The --force switch is necessary in order to install over the previously installed copy:

# from inside the Rails application top-level directory
script/plugin install --force svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/tags/REL_1_0_0/rspec
script/plugin install --force svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/tags/REL_1_0_0/rspec_on_rails

See if any other changes are necessary:

script/generate rspec --pretend


      exists  spec
   identical  spec/spec_helper.rb
   identical  spec/spec.opts
   identical  previous_failures.txt
   identical  script/spec_server
   identical  script/spec


At this point I decided to see if I could install Spec::UI as a plug-in as well, so as to keep all the important dependencies bundled with the Rails application itself.

script/plugin install svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/tags/REL_1_0_0/spec_ui

Official word is that for this to actually work it "would need some minor changes in order to work smoothly". So I decided to remove it until those changes have been made:

# direct filesystem manipulation
rm -r vendor/plugins/spec_ui

# or using SVK
svk rm vendor/plugins/spec_ui

See also