Updating to Git

Updating on OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion

$ cd git.git # or wherever your local checkout happens to live
$ git fetch
$ git tag -v v1.7.12.4 # confirm tag is correctly signed
$ git checkout v1.7.12.4
$ NO_GETTEXT=1 make prefix=/usr/local test
$ sudo env NO_GETTEXT=1 make prefix=/usr/local install
$ cd ..
$ curl -O http://git-core.googlecode.com/files/git-manpages-
$ openssl sha1 git-manpages- # compare SHA-1 against release announcement
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/share/man -xzvf git-manpages-

Note that right now I’m just going with the tarball for the manpages, as the current HEAD of the git-manpages repo is currently tracking the 1.8.0 release candidate, so the quick-install-man Makefile target isn’t as convenient any more.

Updating on CentOS 5.8

On CentOS I install into my home directory:

$ cd git.git
$ git fetch
$ git tag -v v1.7.12.4
$ git checkout v1.7.12.4
$ NO_GETTEXT=1 NO_TCLTK=1 make prefix=$HOME test install
$ cd ..
$ curl -O http://git-core.googlecode.com/files/git-manpages-
$ openssl sha1 git-manpages-
$ tar -C $HOME/man -xzvf git-manpages-