CSS cheatsheetEdit

Type selectors

Style all p elements:

p { ... }

Class selectors

Style all elements of class foo:

.foo { ... }

Note that an element may contain multiple space-separated classes; for example, you could apply classes foo and bar to a p element with:

<p class="foo bar">baz</p>

Combined type/class selectors

Style all li elements of class foo:

li.foo { ... }

ID selectors

Style the element with ID foo (must be only one such element on the page):

#foo { ... }

Combined class/ID selectors

Style the div element with ID foo (must be only one such element on the page):

div#foo { ... }

Descendant selectors

Style all em elements that are descendants (direct or indirect) of a p element:

p em { ... }

Child selectors

Style all em elements that are immediate children of a p element:

p > em { ... }

Universal selectors

Style all elements on the page:

* { ... }

Adjacent sibling selectors

Style any h3 element that immediately follows an h2 element:

h2 + h3 { ... }

Attribute selectors

Style any img element that has an alt attribute:

img[alt] { ... }

Style any img element whose alt attribute has the exact value foo:

img[alt="foo"] { ... }

Style any img element whose alt attribute contains the space-delimited word foo:

img[alt~="foo"] { ... }

Style any img element whose alt attribute contains the hyphen-delimited word foo (in other words, the attribute must contain the substring, foo-):

img[alt|="foo"] { ... }

Other selectors:

  • a[href^="http:"]: attribute starts with "http:"
  • a[href$=".png"]: attribute ends with ".png"
  • a[href*="foo"]: attribute contains "foo"

Note that selectors can be combined; eg:

  • a[href^="http:"][href$=".png"]: attribute starts with "http:" and ends with ".png"

See also:

Pseudo-class selectors

a { ... }
a:link { ... }
a:visited { ... }
a:hover { ... }
a:active { ... }

The order is important, because if multiple possible matches are found the last-specified selector will be applied in the event of a conflict. So, for example, if combining the style declarations in pairs the ordering (link/visited followed by hover/active) should be maintained:

a:link, a:visited { ... }
a:hover, a:active { ... }

Other pseudo-class selectors:

  • :first-child
  • :focus
  • :lang(n)

Pseudo-element selectors

Style the first line of the p element:

p:first-line { ... }

Style the first letter of the p element:


Other pseudo-element selectors:

  • :before
  • :after

See also